How To Remove Tonsil Stones Without Gagging?

how to remove tonsil stones without gagging

If you have tonsil stones the only wish you can ever make is how to remove them without having to gag. However, carrying out this process is far much easier said than done. If you thought this is an easy process then you are very wrong, there is so much to this process than you can even think of. Thus, you need to find proper ways How To Remove Tonsil Stones Without Gagging.  

Many people have tried to carry out this procedure without gagging but not so many of them have been successful. This perhaps explains why this process is so complicated and one which requires some proper procedures for it to be well accomplished. Some people immediately after realizing that they have tonsil stones try to remove them by simply grabbing their necks.  

However, immediately they do that, they experience a giant gag reflex. This makes success with this process so close but still very far. As such, you might want to know how to remove tonsil stones without gagging. This is exactly what you find in this text, it offers you precise information on how best you can carry out this process.  

If you have this problem then this text should help you know how to remove tonsil stones without gagging with a lot of ease. There also will be other details in this text which will enable you to know other things about this process as well.  

Use The Throat Numbing Spray 

Use The Throat Numbing Spray

If you are looking for a way on how to remove tonsil stones without gagging then this is one of the best methods you can use to carry out this process. Get yourself a throat numbing spray which will help you so much in this regard. By using this spray, you will be able to numb all the senses in your throat by making them dull.  

This way, you will be able to remove the tonsil stones without having to battle the gag reflex. If you do this, you will be able to remove all the tonsil stones without much of a problem. If you are in dire need of how to remove tonsil stones without gagging then this should be one of the best means you use for the process.  

Use Ice 

This is also another way you can use to remove your tonsil stones. You see, the only problem in this case or process is the gag reflex which makes it a bit harder to remove these tonsils. By using ice and a proper one, you will be able to numb the nerves around your neck making it easy for you to go about this entire process with ease.  

These two are the main methods that you can use to battle tonsil stones if you have any. They are without any doubt the best ways on how to remove tonsil stones without gagging. However, there are some more details you need about these procedures.  

For instance, there is the issue of gag reflex which has come up many times in this text. As such, you might want to know one or two things about gag reflex which makes it somehow hard to know how to get rid of tonsil stones.  

What Is The Cause Of Gag Reflex

Perhaps you need to know what a gag reflex is and how it works. If you are looking for a way on how to remove tonsil stones without gagging then this is the only impediment in your way. In simple terms, the gag reflex is referred to as a body defense mechanism of your body. 

This mechanism is intended at protecting you from having to swallow foreign or that which is not attended to.  This reflex is controlled by the medulla oblongata, this explains why anytime you try to remove tonsil stones you throw up right away. This can go on for a long period of time provided this reflex is still working.  

That in a nutshell is how the gag reflexes and is part of the reason why it is somehow hard to try and remove tonsil stones without gagging. The good thing though is that there are still ways you can use to go about this process without having to battle a gag reflex as you seek to know what causes tonsil stones.

Is It Safe To Remove Tonsils Stones Without Gagging? 

One thing about removing tonsil stones is that it is a process that could be somehow risky. As such, you might find interest in knowing whether knowing how to remove tonsil stones without gagging is safe or not. Well except of course in some rare cases, this process has all been but a safe one, to be honest.  

There have not been any incidents in the past about this process which is a good thing to say. However, there have been some cases in the past where there were some issues that came up but that is not enough to term this whole process a success.  

Therefore, if you are wondering how to remove tonsil stones without gagging you have all the information you need in this text. The text provides you with as much information on this issue as it is possible. Depending on how you would like to proceed with this process, you have as much information as you might carry out this process as it is possible.  

The good thing in all this though is that it is possible to carry out this process without having to gag. All you need to know is how to carry out this process and the rest will follow. This approach has worked so well for many people in the past.  


You must have been looking for a way on how to remove tonsil stones without gagging no doubt. If this is the case then worry no more, the text above offers you as much information as you might need. In the end, you will go about this process with ease and success.  

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