Sexually Transmitted Diseases – List Of All Sexually Transmitted Diseases

sexually transmitted diseases

There are many Sexually transmitted diseases that vary in so many ways. Many of these diseases pass on through sexual intercourse except of course in very few cases.  The most important thing to note about these diseases is that they are highly contagious.  

As such, people should be extremely careful with the manner in which they handle the matter of intercourse.  Practicing safe sex is one of the ways people can use to avoid these problems.   

There Are Many Types Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases That People Need To Be Aware Of 

Knowing these diseases will enable you to know exactly what these diseases are and how they come about.  In this regard, therefore, the text below looks into the whole concept of Sexually transmitted diseases to enlighten you further on this issue.  


This is one of the most known and common Sexually transmitted diseases. The Sexually transmitted diseases list cannot be completed without this name.  This disease has been there for many years and has claimed so many lives in the past.  

What this disease does is that it completely destroys the body’s immune system making the body extremely weak. Contracting this disease means that your body becomes almost defenseless making you prone to all types of illnesses. In the event that an opportunistic disease attacks you during this time without proper medication then this STI might even lead to the end of life for the infected people.  


This is yet another one of the famous STDs.  The disease has also affected quite a number of people across the world. A bacteria known as the Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes this disease.  This is also another one of the Sexually transmitted diseases that can affect both males and females in the same way.  

The disease mainly affects the urogenital pathway which includes the rectum, the urethra, and the cervix in females.  The transmission of this disease is not so different from the other STDs, the transmission mode of the infection is by unprotected sex.  

Once infected, the patients begin to experience a discharge of pus right from the penis and a burning sensation during urination in males.  Females on the other side, experience some signs which are not so distinct from those in males.  For instance, in many cases women affected by this disease have some sort of abdominal pain, pus from the vagina.  

Even though there are ways to treat gonorrhea, it is better to prevent this disease than wait for it to get to you before seeking treatment.  The best way to handle this disease is by preventing the disease by practicing safe sex.  This is a much better idea compared to having to get a test for sexually transmitted disease then seek treatment later on. 


If you have been following Sexually transmitted diseases closely then chances are you know about this STI as well.  In fact, this Sexually transmitted disease is up there with others like AIDS and others as well. Syphilis has also affected a good number of people across the world especially those that engage in unprotected sex.  

If you are still doing this then you are exposing yourself to the risk of this illness as well. A bacteria known as Treponema pallidum causes Syphilis. This bacteria can also find itself in the body of people using various means including open wounds other than the normal sexual transmission.  

Syphilis can also transfer from mother to child especially during pregnancy.  The early symptoms of syphilis in the people affected include a sore known as a chancre.  Other than this one, there are also other signs which include loss of weight, headaches, rashes, fatigue, and fever among many others.  

It is important to note that some of these Sexually transmitted diseases signs are relative.  This means they manifest themselves in people differently and in a different order.  As the disease continues to grow, it might lead to a stop of mental growth, loss of vision, and even some heart problems in the end.  

HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

Reading about this disease it is much easier to tell what causes it.  HPV is simply an infected viral disease.  Compared to the other known diseases HPV is not that common and also does not affect many people as well. The disease comes with some symptoms which include some warts on the buccal cavity, the external genitals as well as the throat.  

Much as HPV is not that dreaded, it can also lead to some other chronic diseases which include cervical cancer, rectal cancer, and many others as well.  The bad thing is that there is no precise treatment that is present for this STD.  This means any interested people have demonstrated the highest form of caution and make sure that they do not contract the infection.  


This is yet another Sexually transmitted disease that is caused by a bacteria known as Chlamydia trachomatis.  The notable thing about this condition is that it comes with very few symptoms which come in the early stages of the disease.  In the later stages of the disease, the infection might come with signs which include pain during the urine discharge.  

The person experiencing the issue will feel the pain accordingly. For instance, the women might feel pain while passing urine in their vagina while the males might experience the same pain in the penis.  If left untreated this Sexually transmitted disease might even lead to infertility in some people.  

This is exactly why it is essential for you to seek treatment anytime you start any signs that match with this condition.  Doing so will save you so much harm. It might come with this disease in the end, very important to see.  


There are so many STDs that affect different people differently.  The text above looks at the Sexually transmitted diseases list.  From the text, you will also find any other form of information you need in this regard.  

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Sofia Kelly is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Sofia Kelly is associated with The Daily Notes & Content Rally.

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