Pygeum – Uses, Side Effects, And More 

Pygeum - Uses, Side Effects, And More

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Pyegum is an herbal extract that is taken from the bark of the African plum tree. The tree is also known as the African cherry or Prunus Africanum. It is a vulnerable native African species.

It has been used in the medical industry for a long time. Its popular health benefits and commercial overharvesting help to use of this spice in the medicine industry by maintaining the harvesting.

Pygeum has generally used for prostate cancer. However, it has numerous benefits along with works against cancer cells. However, Pygeum is popular for treating symptoms of an enlarged prostate(BPH).

Some research shows that Pygeum can be used for everything from kidney and prostate health to general inflammation. So, keep on reading till the end point of this article without skipping any points.

Pygeum Benefits: How It Helps You?

However, it also has some traditional use. Let’s see the benefits of Pygeum. 

1. It Can Be Used To Treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(BPH)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Enlarged prostate or BPH is a common sexual condition. Over 50, this prostate issue has been seen. The old research in 2000 showed that Pygeum is the top alternative remedy for enlarged prostate. Researchers found that Pygeum can work following symptoms:

  • Pain.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Inflammation.
  • Night urination. 
  • incontinence.

This 2000 research present that Pyheum is the only remedy that can help relieve patients from these symptoms. However, it does not clearly prove that Pygeum could cure these symptoms.

2. Pygeum Supplement Can Treat Prostate Cancer

prostate Cancer

The same research in 2012 shows that Pyhrum has the potential to work efficiently against Prostate cancer. Even earlier studies also found that Pygeum can control prostate growth by acting on androgen receptors. 

As I have already said that Pygeum can control prostate growth or BPH as a result, it can work against Prostate cancer. In general, BPH is considered a risk factor for prostate cancer. Moreover, more research is needed to find the exact connections. 

3. It Can Work To Reduce General Inflammation

Reduce General Inflammation

Beyond the benefits to the symptoms of prostate cancer or BPH, Pygeum has some anti-inflammatory elements. In 2012, one research was conducted on it and found that Pyheum has antioxidant properties

It can downregulate oxidative stress. Plus, inflammation in the urinary, prostate, or kidney tract. It may help to spread prostate cancer cells.

This made Pygeum great for curbing inflammation and reducing cancer cells. Stills, it needs more studies to find out anti-inflammatory medications. 

4. Pygeum Help Treat Symptoms Of Kidney Disease

Treat Symptoms Of Kidney Disease

Pygeum bark has the ability to protect you from BPKH, similarly, it may help you from symptoms of kidney disease. African plum tree extract is mentioned as a treatment for kidney disease. 

Night urination, pain, frequent urination, and inflammation are symptoms of kidney disease. Research suggests that Pygeum can help a bit with these. However, it has not been shown that Pygeum is used to treat kidney diseases directly. 

5. It Help Treat Urinary Conditions

Treat Urinary Conditions

However, it has been said that Pygeum mostly works on urinary conditions. It is one of the great benefits of Pygeum. In 2014 research showed that Pygeum had the most notable effect on urinary conditions. 

However, the research present that the Pygeum can treat the symptoms of urinary conditions, like difficulty urination and pain. 

6. Puygeum Can Treat Stomaches

Treat Stomaches

Various research mentioned that Pygeum is stomach soother. However, it is one type of traditional use of Pygeum. 

It needs more research to find that Puygeum can cure stomaches. As such, there is no proof that Pygeum can work against gastric disturbance. As it is an herbal product, you can try it for your upset stomach



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Adults are mostly used Pygeum to get relief from prostate and urinary issues. It has been suggested that 75 to 200 mg of Pygeum by mouth daily for 12 months. However, before starting to take this herbal extract, you need to visit a doctor to diagnose your disease properly. 

Because the dose depends on the patient condition and stage of the disease. Hopefully, I am clear to you. 

Possible Side Effects

Possible Side Effects

Studies present that Pygeum is safe when it is used correctly. If you take it overdose or inappropriate way, it may affect badly on health. 

Side effects may include:

  • Constipation.
  • Nausea.
  • Gastric disturbances.
  • Diarrhea.

If you face these side effects, you should decrease the dose of Pygeum. Or, you should visit a doctor for emergency purposes. 

Note: Pygmy is not recommended if you breastfeeding or pregnant woman. And, Pygeum is not for children. Therefore, more research is needed to determine whether Pygeum is safe or not. However, before taking this, you should take advice from a doctor. It can help you to avoid any side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)?

Now, you have reached at the end of this article. Pygeium has several benefits, but it needs more research on them to reveal the proper connection between this herbal extract and disease.

Although, you must go through the below section to read the most frequent questions that people have asked.

Q1. Is Pygeum Good For Prostate?

Ans – Yes, Pygeu9m is good for prostate cancer, BPH, or enlarged prostate. If you suffer from one of thee, you can intake this. But, you must take suggestions from a doctor first.

Q2. Can You Take Pygeum On An Empty Stomach?

Ans – It depends on your dose. If your doctor suggests taking it after eating or empty stomach. However, Pygeum can consume with or without food.

Q3. How Much Pygeum Can I Take A Day?

Ans – You can take Pygeum is 100mg per day in a 6 to 8 weeks cycle. However, if you decide to consume this medicine, you need to visit a doctor regarding this matter.

Final Words

As I previously said that Pygeum has any traditional uses for a long time. Although, more research needs to utilize this herbal product fully. 

Therefore, you need to follow the doctor’s suggestions before taking any dose of Pygeum. This article has been able to meet your queries. If you have further queries, feel free to ask in the comment section. Please share your opinion, if you already use this medicine. Your words will help my readers and me too.


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